Fast Facts
🏴 Organization
Number of students
Undergraduate Program
Graduate Program
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Post-doctoral & TA
*with 67 Adjunct Professors
Students to Faculty ratio
Cooperation Institute
located in Gongguan Campus
Surrounded by beautiful Lagerstroemia Araucaria and Cassia trees, the College of Science is an attractive and comfortable 9-hectare campus. Convenient environment leads divers learning and developments as well.
About College of Science, NTNU
The College of Science was founded in the spring of 1955, the same year that the Provincial Taiwan Normal College became what is currently the National Taiwan Normal University.
The ways of cultivate-education for students are set out in accordance with developing curriculum map formulated by each department in order to help students enrich self-knowledge and clear planning for their future direction. Through the training of basic science in the College of Science, students will have solid foundation in learning, no matter continue to pursue further education or to get a job, and will be more capacity, more vision and can go longer and farther.
The features of development of the College are to nurture outstanding research and technological talents and to cultivate secondary school teaches in parallel. The curricula are designed to prepare students for careers not only in the traditional areas but also with wide range of interdisciplinary courses. For the sake of promoting our hospitality cooperation in various fields, the research results are expected to new heights.