法規章程 院務法規 1. 理學院院長遴選準則 📥 Guidelines for Election of the Dean of College of Science 2. 理學院院務會議規則 📥 Regulations for the College Affairs Meeting of College of Science 3. 理學院教師評審委員會設置章程 📥 Regulations for the Establishment of the Faculty Evaluation Committee in the College of Science 4. 理學院學術發展委員會設置要點 📥 Regulations for the Establishment of the Academic Development Committee in the College of Science 5. 理學院課程委員會設置要點 📥 Regulations for the Establishment of the Curriculum Committee in the College of Science 6. 理學院師資培育委員會設置準則 📥 Guidelines for the Establishment of the Teacher Education Committee in the College of Science 7. 理學院評鑑實施要點 College of Science Guidelines for the Implementation of Evaluations 教師法規 8. 理學院教師評鑑準則 📥 Evaluation Guidelines for Faculty Members of the College of Science, National Taiwan Normal University 9. 理學院教師評審準則 📥 Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation of the College of Science 10. 理學院聘任專業技術人員擔任教學準則 📥 Guidelines for Employment of Professional Technicians Teaching at the College of Science 經費法規 11. 從事強化學術研究經費使用要點 📥 Expenditure Guidelines for Engaging in Enhanced Academic Research 📥 新進教師學術活動補助申請表 New Faculty Member Academic Event Funding Application Form 研究生參與學術活動優良獎申請表 Graduate Students Excellence Award for Participation in Academic Events Application Form 系所專家工作坊計劃申請書 Expert workshop Project Application Form 理學院補助系所外籍生獎學金作業流程 College of Science Subsidization Department Scholarship Procedures for Foreign Students 系所外籍生獎學金核撥印領清冊範例 College of Science Subsidization Department “Foreign Student Scholarships” Receipt List 12. 博士生優良論文獎設置要點 📥 Guidelines for “Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award” 📥 博士生優良論文獎申請表 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award Application Form